360 Peer Review Survey: Supervisor Instructions
360Score.me Specialist
Last Update há 8 meses
360 Peer Review Survey: Structure and Timing
The 360 Peer Review Survey allows company employees to review their team members, supervisors and subordinates. Employees score and answer supplemental questions for themselves and each of the peers they work with as designated by you and/or the Company Administrator/HR Director. The goal is to provide useful, actionable feedback.

1-2 Weeks Prior to Survey Launch Date To accommodate organization changes and ensure the accuracy of the 360 Survey Cycle, Supervisors must review and update the direct team’s peer connections and weights.
Users will have 2 weeks from Survey Launch Date to complete their 360 surveys. For example, if a Survey is launched on January 4, 2023 at 5:30pm CST, Users will receive an email when the survey is opened, and they can access the survey from that email or by logging into their 360Score.me account. The subject line of this email will read “Your 360 Review for [Month Year] has arrived.” Users will also be able to access their survey from within 360Score.me by logging in and navigating to My Surveys within the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Once the survey is completed and submitted, it will no longer appear in the “My Surveys” tab. (Future updates include a “My Completed Surveys” Tab)
- To ensure anonymity, survey comments and scores are not immediately visible
- Survey comments and scores for an individual appear once that person has received five (5) unique reviews from their peers. Do note that this data will not be able to be shared in a 360 report until the survey is closed for the entire organization.
1 Week Post Survey Close it is important to note that you will have one week from the closure of the 360 survey to Upvote and Downvote comments. T
360 Reports can begin to be shared as soon as the 360 survey has closed, but it is best to wait to share the 360 reports until comments have been reviewed and upvoted/downvoted.
Access these reports by going to Reports Center > Generate Reports.
(Generate Reports is accessible based on permissions, contact your System Administrator if you do not have access to these reports)
- Employee Minimum Review Risk Report - Team members with 7 or less peers rating them. Any team member who does not receive 5 reviews will not have their 360 Score reviews released.
- Helpful for: Pre-360 Survey preparation, run this report to ensure everyone will have their 360Score results released.
- Excessive Review Assignment Report - Team members rating 20 or more coworkers - These employees are at risk of survey fatigue, thus resulting in a poor contributor's score. Incentivize employees by staying mindful of how many peers they are reviewing. The sweet spot assignment is 10-20 peers to review.
- Helpful for: Pre-360 Survey preparation, run this report to ensure that response rates and contributor's scores remain high through thoughtful engagement.
- Employee Assignment & Weighting Detail > Current Org Weightings - Select Current Org Weightings in the dropdown to view weightings as they are assigned in the at the time of report generation.
- Helpful for: Run this report to get a snapshot of current organization wide weightings to help manage who needs updates

How to Assign Peer Connections and Weights for Surveys
Prior to sending the organization’s first 360 Peer Review survey, it is important to ensure that team members have been correctly set up to review colleagues that they are associated with. Only users assigned as Company Admins have access this feature. Weights should be based on proximity between peers in the org chart.
To adjust weights, navigate to Organization > Company Overview Page > Find the subject employee > click Weights

From the Weights screen, you establish the proximity of connections/relationship by adjusting the To and From weights for the selected employee to with their peers.

“Weights for ratings from…” refers to the weight of reviews from the employee to the listed peer. “Weights for Ratings to…” refers to the weight of reviews given to the selected employee by the listed peer. Users can filter the employee list to focus on employees that already have weighted relationships by using the “Sort By” filter and filtering on “From Weight” with the Sort Direction descending.

When applying weights, it is important to consider the organization’s default weight settings:
• 100: This is the highest weight setting and is utilized for direct supervisor/subordinate relationships
• 50: This is the second highest weight setting and can be utilized for members of the same team who share a supervisor or for employees who often work closely together
• 10: This weighting is reserved for companies with 25 employees or less. If your company has more than 25 employees, it is highly recommended that you limit weightings to 100 and 50 as referenced above. For those using 10, this weight is the lowest weight setting and is utilized for employees who have insight to provide on one another, but do not work as closely together as direct teammates.
360 results will not be released for employees that do not receive at least 5 reviews, so adjusting weights manually can help in ensuring each employee receives enough reviews and reviews enough colleagues. To reduce the risk of employees missing the 5 review threshold, it is suggested that each employee have a minimum of 7 peers rating them. Having employees review and receive reviews from around 20 of their colleagues seems to be the “sweet spot” where organizations gather a good amount of useful data.
Most weights will be set by default based on org chart structure, but it is important that company admins make necessary adjustments prior to the 360 Peer Review survey being launched. Once a survey has been launched, weights are fixed and cannot be adjusted.
How to View 360 Scores
• Once the 360 Peer Review survey has closed, supervisors can begin to preview the scores of their team by going to Supervisor View > 360 Reviews.

• Navigating the 360 Review Page. Supervisors can review results of supplemental question for each employee, view comments the employee received during the 360 Peer Review survey, and open a preview of the employee’s specific 360 Report.

Reading the 360 Report Icon: The colored number notification on the 360 Report icon indicate whether the employee’s 360 report has been drafted, shared or not created.

- 360 Score: This is the composite average of scores an employee has received
- Supervisor Score: This is the score given to the user by their direct supervisor - The Supervisor Score of each Employee is viewable ONLY by: 1) The Supervisor who rated their direct employee 2) 360Score.me SuperAdmins and 3) Employees who are ABOVE the rating Supervisor in the Org Chart. By design, Supervisor scores of their direct employees are NOT anonymous to aforementioned 360Score.me users to foster an environment of clear accountability at high levels of Management. This logic is also applied to Company Happiness Responses from Supervisors as well.
- Contributor Score: This score reflects the quantity and quality of feedback being left by the user. A contributor score is impacted by whether the user’s comments of their peers were upvoted/downvoted by the respective peer’s supervisor combined with the length of the comment as well.
- Response Rate (calculated after a number surveys has been completed): This indicates the percentage of surveys an employee has responded to.
- Self-Evaluation: This shows the score the rating the employee gave themselves.
- Skip Level Score: This is the average score given by all subordinates to this manager (if applicable - this score only appears for an employee if they have direct reports)
Reviewing Comments: Upvoting and Downvoting
Once the 360 Peer Review Survey has closed, there are actions supervisors need to take for feedback to be effectively shared with employees. This process starts with reviewing, upvoting and downvoting comments that have been received.

• When you login to 360score.me you will have access to see comments and scores for all staff that report to you by navigating to the Supervisor View > 360 Reviews.
- Important Note: Most supervisors will only be able to see the 360 Score data for their own teams. Only company admins/super admins will be able to view the 360 review data for the entire organization. Employees who are not supervisors will not have access to the Supervisor View pages. The Supervisor Score of each Employee is viewable ONLY by: 1) The Supervisor who rated their direct employee 2) 360Score.me SuperAdmins and 3) Employees who are ABOVE the rating Supervisor in the Org Chart. By design, Supervisor scores of their direct employees are NOT anonymous to aforementioned 360Score.me users to foster an environment of clear accountability at high levels of Management. This logic is also applied to Company Happiness Responses from Supervisors as well.
From the Supervisor View section within the 360 Reviews page, you can view comments and scores for each employee under you.
Edit the filter to display scores from the most recent survey.

Navigate to the employee you want to view comments for > click on the Comments Icon

The resulting 360 Score Comment Area window displays the comments left for the chosen employee, sorted newest to oldest by Survey Date.

It is important to review the comments left for each employee in the recently closed 360 survey and upvote or downvote them. This is subjective. You don’t need to be perfect. What is important is making sure you recognize exceptional feedback, and at the same time discourage hurtful, damaging feedback, or people trying to game the system with fluff responses.
• Upvote comments you view as helpful

Upvoting helpful comments will allow the reviewers who left those comments to receive a boost in their contributor score.
An example of a helpful comment would be - "An excellent listener who does a great job as being a buffer between strong personalities. There is so much on your plate so I know things aren't always addressed as quickly as they could be however this is one area that you can work on. I appreciate the trust you have in me so I am able to do what I need to do to get my job done." Generally, you will find yourself upvoting most comments.
• Leave comments view as not unhelpful, but not very useful either as Neutral
Example: "Great guy", "Nice to have in the office", "Super!".
• Downvote comments you view as not helpful or hurtful

Comments that are worthy of a downvote include any that contain expletives or hurtful/abusive comments. Any comments that do not intend to help but hurt or insult should also be downvoted. You will hopefully find yourself not downvoting many comments!
Along with upvoting and downvoting, Supervisors and Admins can leave notes for each other by using the Comment section while upvoting/downvoting. The comments left here may function as notes between company admins and supervisors. Neither the employee reviewer nor the employee that is the subject of the original comment will be able to see these notes. Notes left on employee comments will only be visible to the employee’s supervisor and company admins.

Remember that you will have one week from close of the 360 Peer Review Survey to review your team's feedback and upvote and downvote.
Setting up & Sharing 360 Reports
Once the period of comment review mentioned above is complete, you will need to share your team's 360 reports with them directly for them to receive their feedback. The following steps will guide you through this process:
Update the dropdown filter to display the relevant survey/date filter at the top of the screen. This will filter scores for the most recent survey.

Comments and scores are not made available to any employees until they are shared in a 360 report. This is a safety valve to make sure we do not share unhelpful or hurtful feedback. As a supervisor it is your decision to decide what to share or not share.
To setup a 360 Report for sharing, click on the 360 report icon to the right of the user.

You can choose what to share or not to share. To do this, you may select or deselect the checkboxes associated with any of the data points shown. This will ultimately include/exclude those items from the employee’s final 360 report.

You can even edit comments before sharing to make them more appropriate for sharing. This can be done from the Survey Comments box prior to sharing the final 360 Report. Please note that edits to comments on a 360 report does are not reflected on the original comment found in the 360 Score Comment Area.

Select the appropriate option to create a draft or publish/share the 360 Report to employees direct Supervisors Only or the direct Supervisors and Employee. You may also choose to notify both the Employee and Supervisor of the report share via email. 360 Reports are published as PDFs and they are made available in the Employee and Supervisor’s 360 User accounts. Note that sharing reports through 360Score.me is suggested because it allows our system to track which team members have received their 360 Reports. If a Supervisor opts to download the PDF and share outside the 360Score.me, the software does not register the report as having been shared. Once you have selected all the desired options, click Publish Report at the bottom of the screen.

Once Published the 360 Report icon will have a Green label on it. Your sharing process will be complete when all your direct reports have a green label for this survey in Supervisor View.

Best practice is Managers should share 360 reports with their direct reports within 2 weeks of survey closing. If reports are not shared in a timely fashion, people will not feel the value of the process and be less engaged in future surveys.
Reviewing this data can take some time, but it is well worth the effort. Publishing the 360 reports so the user can see their feedback only takes seconds once you become familiar with the process.
Ultimately, it is important to note that the 360 report does not replace a performance review. It is most useful as additional material to supplement and seed conversation in a performance review. We recommend using the 360 report as a talking point in your next performance review or 1-on-1. Depending on the nature of feedback it will be useful to coach staff on the value of feedback and how best to use it.