360Score.me 2FA Options: Google 2FA Setup

Jesse Peterson

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

In a time where online security is of the utmost importance, 360Score.me recognizes the sensitivity of peer review data and how crucial it is to protect that data. This article will walk you through activating Google 2FA for your individual 360Score.me account. 

Accessing Google Authenticator

To utilize Google 2FA, the user must first have Google Authenticator installed on their mobile device. Google Authenticator is available to download via your mobile app store. 


Activating Google 2FA within 360Score.me

Upon logging into 360Score.me, users can navigate to Account Settings and select Google 2FA.

Within this page, the user will follow the listed instructions to activate Google 2FA. These steps will include:
  • Adding 360Score.me to Google Authenticator on your mobile device via QR Code Scan
  • Entering the code provided by Google Authenticator to activate
  • Enabling Google 2FA by clicking Enable 

Once enabled, Google 2FA will be required upon each 360Score.me login going forward. 

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