360Score.me is saying 'You have not yet registered a company"

My company is using 360Score.me, but it is not appearing under "Your Accounts"

360Score.me Specialist

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

When attempting to log in to 360Score.me you may not see your company listed under Your Accounts:  

If you are certain your company utilizes 360Score.me and you are sure you have valid login credentials within your organization for other internal procedures, it is possible that you fall under one of the following categories: 

  1. You have not yet been added as a user within your organization's 360Score.me account. If this is the case, reach out to your Company Administrator. 
  2. You have been added as a user within your organization, but you have not been invited to activate your account by your Company Administrator.  If this is the case, reach out to your Company Administrator.
  3. If you have alraedy confirmed with your company administrator that your 360Score.me user account has been created, you most likely still need to activate your account. Account Activation emails are sent from [email protected], we suggest searching your inbox for your account activation email and following the instructions there. 

4. Your company listings may be active under a different primary email login. Check with your Company Administrator to confirm your primary email login and once you have that, log in to 360Score.me and proceed with setting up a secondary email address, which you can use as an alternative way to login as well.  Learn more here about Secondary Email login IDs

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