Secondary Email Address for login and notifications allows users to login using a primary email ID and secondary or backup email address. The primary email address acts as the main username. It cannot be changed once it has been created. The Secondary Email address can be used for login and can be used to receive email notifications and password resets. Please note that an existing username does not change when a secondary email address is entered, the secondary email address acts as an alternate login ID and recipient email address for notifications in the case the primary email ID is no longer an active email account.
Password Resets: Note that you may reset the password for your Primary Login ID only. If you require a password reset for your Secondary Email Login ID, please contact our team for assistance.
Activating Your Secondary Email
To setup your secondary email address, navigate to Profile Settings

Scroll to "Secondary Email" field. The Username - Primary Email address reflects the email address your Company Administrator used upon account creation and cannot be changed.

Once you enter your Secondary Email, you will receive confirmation that an activation email has been sent to the address entered. There will also be an indicator showing that this email address is not yet verified.

Check your email for an activation email from [email protected]. Follow the instructions to activate your account. If successful, you will be redirected to a page and notified that your secondary email address is verified. Follow the "Click here" link to log in. You are now setup to login with eitherth either your primary or secondary email address and your original password.

Configuring Notifications to Your Email Addresses
Navigate to the bottom of the Profile Settings page to set which email address will receive notifications from The following are the types of notifications you can configure to be sent to either your primary email or secondary email:
Reset Password: Password recovery and reset email notifications.
Survey: Where Company Happiness and 360 Peer review surveys will be sent to
Reminders and other Notifications: When applicable, reminders/alerts for survey expiration, notifications for admins and managers, etc.
Private Messaging: When applicable, notifications from managers/admins in response to your comments on specific surveys
Shout Out: Notifications received when a peer leaves a shout out for you
To change which email address receives which notifications, use the slider to specify Primary or Secondary email next to each notification type. Once you have configured the notifications to best fit your ideal email setup click "Save Settings"