Everybody has different opinions and biases so how can I trust the accuracy of scores?

Mushtaq Ali

Last Update 3 tahun yang lalu

It is important for us to first define what we are measuring and how we are measuring it. 360score.me is measuring the reputation of each of us in the eyes of our coworkers. Reputation by definition is the opinion of others. The fact that people have opinions and biases is not a defect in measuring reputation it is a feature of reputation. Whether our reputation is an accurate reflection of our worth, value or skills is a separate conversation about the judging skill of our coworkers, however this doesn’t discount the fact that we have a reputation in their eyes - good, bad or otherwise. Our reputation is how we are perceived, not necessarily who we are. That being said, given enough data points – the likelihood that we are way better or worse than what others think of us is unlikely. What we think of our ourselves is ego, what others think of us is reputation. We may not like it, but our coworkers have an opinion of us and it matters. If that opinion just stays in their head, we are limited in our ability to know it, manage it and improve it. If their opinions of us (our reputation) is known to us we can take steps to improve.

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