Since people are bad graders and self-interested doesn’t that make the content from 360 reviews bullsh**?

Mushtaq Ali

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

Not our words, but from Gary Vee

That would really suck for us if that were true. In our humble opinion Gary is both completely right and wrong at the same time. Most current 360 reviews are complete fluff and ineffective. However ANONYMOUS 360 reviews are the best (and maybe only) way to get truth to power from every corner of an organization. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water, just because people have self-interest doesn't mean you stop listening to them.

Also our grading scale gives people a standard point of reference and grading language to use when scoring people. So even though some people may be less than perfect graders, our grading scale guidance educates them on how to be effective graders. As opposed to other 5 point or 10 point scales found in other review platforms where nobody knows the difference between a 4 and a 5 – our A-F letter grading system gives people a scale they understand and know. The more scores you have, the less impact an individual’s self-interested or biased score will have on you. With enough scores, your 360score will be a pretty close reflection of your actual reputation in the eyes of your coworkers. You may love it or hate it, but you can’t argue it – reputation is what others think of you, not what you think of yourself.

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