Who can see scores and how are they shared?

Mushtaq Ali

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Nobody sees individual scores given to other individuals, not even 360Score.me staff. Supervisors can see 360scores for the people that report to them (they cannot see their own score) only after individuals have received 5 unique scores from other coworkers per survey. Comments and feedback are only visible to supervisors after a survey has closed. Once the survey has closed, supervisors have one week to review feedback/comments received by their staff and then can share individual “360 Score Reports” with each employee. Supervisors are encouraged to share 360 Score reports as soon as possible after the 1 week review period, preferably the following week (1-2 weeks after survey closes).

Supervisors that wait too long to share reports are assured lower engagement and response rates from their team on future surveys.

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